How I Profited by Shorting $BZ with TruthSayer AI's Earnings AI Alert


Here's how I made nine hundred and fifty six dollars overnight on a $10,000 trade  shorting $BZ using TruthSayer AI’s Earnings Alert. So, TruthSayer sends out these earnings alerts a day before a stock's earnings release. On August 27th, I got this alert on $BZ, which has missed earnings 100% of the time. TruthSayer’s algorithm is around 80% accurate, so this was a clear signal for me to short the stock.I shorted 700 shares of $BZ at thirteen ninety seven on the 27th, right before their earnings.

The next day, after their earnings report, the stock dropped 23.9%. I could’ve made two thousand three hundred and eighty dollars if I held on longer, but I closed my position early at twelve fifty nine, locking in nine hundred and fifty six dollars in profit – a 9.7% return overnight!

Now, a couple of risk management tips that TruthSayer always highlights: only use 3-5% of your cash position on any one trade. My account’s around $200K, so I was comfortable making a trade of this size. And with short positions, I always set a stop above my trade because I don’t like holding shorts for too long.

TruthSayer AI’s team has run hedge funds, and they’re offering free lifetime access to their Early Adopter Program for the first 1,000 subscribers. You’ll get 50 alerts a month – this one trade alone paid for years' worth of their service!Join the waitlist for TruthSayer AI, secure your spot as one of the first 1,000 to get Free Lifetime Access, and see how it transforms your investing journey.

Click here to sign-up to the Wait List.

Did you know: The billionaire investor's message adds an element of intrigue to the ongoing narrative, prompting both excitement and speculation about the future trajectory of Tesla's stock.
Did you know: The billionaire investor's message adds an element of intrigue to the ongoing narrative, prompting both excitement and speculation about the future trajectory of Tesla's stock.

Main Facts


The billionaire investor's message adds an element of intrigue to the ongoing narrative, prompting both excitement and speculation about the future trajectory of Tesla's stock.


The billionaire investor's message adds an element of intrigue to the ongoing narrative, prompting both excitement and speculation about the future trajectory of Tesla's stock.


The billionaire investor's message adds an element of intrigue to the ongoing narrative, prompting both excitement and speculation about the future trajectory of Tesla's stock.

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